Grease Traps and Pumping Systems

About Grease Traps and Pumping Systems

Raymond Plumbing can organise the cleaning of grease traps, pumping and removal of waste for residential, commercial and industrial customers in Cairns.

Most commercial and industrial businesses are required to have a grease trap as policy, but many people are not aware that they may have a grease trap at their home too. All homes that are not connected to council sewerage will have a grease trap and these are generally a rectangular or round cavity in the ground that may look like a drain, but enclosed.

Grease traps are always located outside and generally near to the kitchen so that it catches the grease from the kitchen sink. Greases and oils float, so as the grease moves through the grease trap, it gets caught between the baffle walls within the grease trap, allowing the cleaner water to pass through to the outlet pipes or underground dispersion area.

After approximately 2 or 3 months of continuous domestic use (lengths vary for commercial or industrial grease traps), grease traps should be pumped and the grease disposed of. If this is not done frequently, the grease builds up to a point that allows it to drain out of the grease trap and into the outlet pipes.

When this happens, you run the risk of developing clogged pipes, an overflow of gunky liquid back into your kitchen or other areas, as well as horrible smells coming from the trap and /or your drains.

Trust us, this is not a pleasant situation! Commercial kitchens or industries who don’t properly clean their grease traps run the risk of heavy fines or even their business closure.

Here at Raymond Plumbing, we can pump the grease and other waste with our high powered pumps and dispose of it for you.

We also scrape and clean your grease trap’s interior so that the walls and baffles are able to handle another full dose of grease accumulation before the next pump out.

While we’re doing all of that, we check to make sure your grease trap is in top condition and working properly and let you know if there are any issues.

You don’t even have to be home while we complete this stinky job, as grease traps are located outside, but if you’d prefer to supervise, then we can schedule in a time when you will be home to complete the works.

Give us a call on (07) 4032 0089 if you require a grease trap pump out and cleaning and let us know if you’d like to organise a regular appointment. We’ll ensure your grease traps are in A1 condition in no time at all and for a great price!

Service Process

Step 1:

Pinpoint exactly what your plumbing issue is or what symptoms are occurring before giving us a call (e.g., “I have a leak coming from under the sink in the bathroom” or “when I turn my kitchen tap on, no water comes out, but there’s a gurgling sound”).

Step 2:

Log a call at our office by calling (07) 4032 0089 or email us at

Step 3:

Determine what times would best suit you for a plumber to visit, then have a chat to our administrators about your preferred booking time (jobs are booked in for two hour blocks, with the exception of the first job of the day)

Step 4:

One of our highly professional plumbers will attend your property at the time you’ve booked in!

Step 5:

An invoice for any due amount will be issued via email within approximately 2 business days. Accounts are 7-day accounts.

Contact Us Now!

Give Raymond Plumbing a call today. We’ll take care of all your plumbing needs!

Frequently Asked Questions

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Ut eleifend magna sapien, luctus egestas mi vehicula ac. Pellentesque vestibulum tortor in bibendum ornare. Morbi magna elit, placerat a tempus imperdiet, aliquet vel odio. Praesent vel mi vitae arcu luctus porttitor. Vestibulum malesuada congue est vel sodales. Morbi eu nulla lorem. Mauris sodales risus eget nibh efficitur iaculis.

Vestibulum sapien ligula, ullamcorper at convallis tincidunt, maximus vitae justo. Integer tempus pharetra tempor. Ut venenatis ligula eget eros ultricies tristique. Nam tortor urna, interdum vitae consectetur vitae, convallis posuere purus. Donec vitae felis risus. In sed iaculis ipsum, at posuere orci. Integer egestas risus eget augue tempor accumsan. Etiam elementum eros urna, ut dignissim nibh mollis quis. Maecenas ut metus dui. Vivam

Ut eleifend magna sapien, luctus egestas mi vehicula ac. Pellentesque vestibulum tortor in bibendum ornare. Morbi magna elit, placerat a tempus imperdiet, aliquet vel odio. Praesent vel mi vitae arcu luctus porttitor. Vestibulum malesuada congue est vel sodales. Morbi eu nulla lorem. Mauris sodales risus eget nibh efficitur iaculis.

Vestibulum sapien ligula, ullamcorper at convallis tincidunt, maximus vitae justo. Integer tempus pharetra tempor. Ut venenatis ligula eget eros ultricies tristique. Nam tortor urna, interdum vitae consectetur vitae, convallis posuere purus. Donec vitae felis risus. In sed iaculis ipsum, at posuere orci. Integer egestas risus eget augue tempor accumsan. Etiam elementum eros urna, ut dignissim nibh mollis quis. Maecenas ut metus dui. Vivam

Ut eleifend magna sapien, luctus egestas mi vehicula ac. Pellentesque vestibulum tortor in bibendum ornare. Morbi magna elit, placerat a tempus imperdiet, aliquet vel odio. Praesent vel mi vitae arcu luctus porttitor. Vestibulum malesuada congue est vel sodales. Morbi eu nulla lorem. Mauris sodales risus eget nibh efficitur iaculis.

Vestibulum sapien ligula, ullamcorper at convallis tincidunt, maximus vitae justo. Integer tempus pharetra tempor. Ut venenatis ligula eget eros ultricies tristique. Nam tortor urna, interdum vitae consectetur vitae, convallis posuere purus. Donec vitae felis risus. In sed iaculis ipsum, at posuere orci. Integer egestas risus eget augue tempor accumsan. Etiam elementum eros urna, ut dignissim nibh mollis quis. Maecenas ut metus dui. Vivam

Ut eleifend magna sapien, luctus egestas mi vehicula ac. Pellentesque vestibulum tortor in bibendum ornare. Morbi magna elit, placerat a tempus imperdiet, aliquet vel odio. Praesent vel mi vitae arcu luctus porttitor. Vestibulum malesuada congue est vel sodales. Morbi eu nulla lorem. Mauris sodales risus eget nibh efficitur iaculis.

Vestibulum sapien ligula, ullamcorper at convallis tincidunt, maximus vitae justo. Integer tempus pharetra tempor. Ut venenatis ligula eget eros ultricies tristique. Nam tortor urna, interdum vitae consectetur vitae, convallis posuere purus. Donec vitae felis risus. In sed iaculis ipsum, at posuere orci. Integer egestas risus eget augue tempor accumsan. Etiam elementum eros urna, ut dignissim nibh mollis quis. Maecenas ut metus dui. Vivam

Ut eleifend magna sapien, luctus egestas mi vehicula ac. Pellentesque vestibulum tortor in bibendum ornare. Morbi magna elit, placerat a tempus imperdiet, aliquet vel odio. Praesent vel mi vitae arcu luctus porttitor. Vestibulum malesuada congue est vel sodales. Morbi eu nulla lorem. Mauris sodales risus eget nibh efficitur iaculis.

Vestibulum sapien ligula, ullamcorper at convallis tincidunt, maximus vitae justo. Integer tempus pharetra tempor. Ut venenatis ligula eget eros ultricies tristique. Nam tortor urna, interdum vitae consectetur vitae, convallis posuere purus. Donec vitae felis risus. In sed iaculis ipsum, at posuere orci. Integer egestas risus eget augue tempor accumsan. Etiam elementum eros urna, ut dignissim nibh mollis quis. Maecenas ut metus dui. Vivam